Visites médicales

You must undergo the following medical examinations by the Occupational Medicine Department:

  • Medical examination on hiring as soon as possible after your hiring

  • Follow-up medical visit (Individual Follow-up (SI) or Reinforced Individual Follow-up (SIR))

  • Mandatory visit after a work stoppage > 15 days

It is your responsibility to make an appointment directly for these medical visits. We advise you to make an appointment either:

  • The medical center of your company/laboratory

  • An organization of the GIE AIFOR (contact the administrator for the procedures)

 To contact the administrator:

Send us a copy of the aptitude certificat.

Reminder of GIE AIFOR’s position: it is important to have a medical check-up under SMR (Surveillance Médicale Renforcée).

The SIR concerns employees exposed to particular risks detailed in article R.4624-23 of the French Labor Code.