Mutual and provident fund

Since January 1, 2016, the collective complementary health coverage is mandatory. GIE AIFOR has signed a mutual insurance contract with the company Malakoff Mederic. The Unilateral Employer’s Decision (DUE) instituting the compulsory collective complementary health care costs scheme is handed over upon hiring. The acknowledgement of receipt of the DUE is to be returned signed to GIE AIFOR.

To download the DUE : click-here.

To download the acknowledgement of receipt of the DUE : click-here.

The mandatory Mutual Insurance and Provident Fund membership forms must be returned completed and signed to GIE AIFOR.

Mutual Insurance Application Form

Mutual Information Notice

Provident Fund Application Form

Provident Fund Application Notice

Supplementary health insurance

It is possible to subscribe to a supplementary insurance plan which is paid for by the employee.
The monthly contribution to the supplementary insurance is 0.81% of the PMSS.
If applicable, send the optional enrollment form for the supplementary insurance along with the SEPA direct debit authorization and your bank details.
Also send a certificate of entitlement to health insurance. This document can be downloaded from and is the link between the Social Security and the Mutual Insurance Company.

Supplementary form

Supplementary Notice

Maintenance of benefits (ANI)

The maintenance of coverage is included in the law of June 14, 2013 and concerns former employees receiving unemployment insurance benefits who benefited from the plans subscribed by their employer (the exemption of affiliation does not therefore give right to the device). The duration is equal to the period of unemployment compensation, up to the limit of the last employment contract (or consecutive contracts with the same employer), without exceeding 12 months. It is assessed in months, rounded up if necessary (e.g. contract 1 month and 15 days = 2 months of portability). No contribution is due by the former employee.
These new terms and conditions have been applicable since June 1, 2014 for health care expense plans and June 1, 2015 for provident plans (death, work incapacity, disability, and dependency).

Requests to open portability rights must now be made directly by the insured person via the Malakoff Customer Area on the website.

“Your Portability Rights” Guide

Malakoff Médéric customer area
We remind you that as a Malakoff Humanis customer you have a Customer Area to manage your account and carry out your procedures online.
You can reach an advisor at 3932 (free service + price of a call) by bringing your third-party payment card.
Nb : If you do not have your third-party payment card, wait until the message asks you for your membership number a second time. Then wait. Someone will take your call.